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LS-DYNA Training Online

LS-DYNA Analysis for Structural Mechanics


Explicit, Nonlinear, Large Deformation Analysis for Structural Mechanics

For those who cannot travel for our hands-on LS-DYNA training, and are currently within the USA or Canada, we have the option of our online training course.

This video and workshop-led series provides an overview of the core analysis features used by LS-DYNA to simulate highly nonlinear static and dynamic behavior in engineered structures and systems.

Our goal is to provide a self-taught yet realistic foundation toward the practical usage of LS-DYNA, similar to how our team has used it on hundreds of simulation projects.

With your purchase you receive:

  • LS-DYNA Analysis for Structural Mechanics (Implicit and Explicit) Class Workbook (+200 pages) in PDF searchable format
  • Digital download (Google Drive) of Workshop Videos and Additional Instructor-Led Workshop Videos with step-by-step instructions and covering over 600+ minutes of narrated tutorials & workshops
  • Workshop projects and model files, with starting geometry or models, and finished model comparison files
  • An extensive library of Class Reference Notes covering LS-DYNA analysis topics from SPH to DEM to Mortar Contact, research papers on Composites to Linear Dynamics - basically 20 years of accumulated LS-DYNA reference papers and notes.

Your user account will provide access to a wealth of training resources developed by our skilled trainers. The authors have over 20+ years experience teaching LS-DYNA, receiving excellent ratings and reviews available for viewing online.

Availability: This product is available within the US via Amazon (see link below) and worldwide by contacting us directly via this Form.

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