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Purchase LS-DYNA Software

Purchase or Lease Ansys LS-DYNA Software

LS-DYNA® from ANSYS-LST is the world's most advanced general-purpose nonlinear finite element program. It is capable of simulating complex real-world problems, and is widely accepted as the premier analysis software package for today's most challenging engineering applications.

At Predictive Engineering, we are longtime experts in LS-DYNA software and can help you buy LS-DYNA and then guide you through the acquisition, licensing, installation, support and in-depth LS-DYNA training. We like to say that we don't sell LS-DYNA but we advocate LS-DYNA to clients where it will make them money. If you would like to learn more about purchasing and learning LS-DYNA, please take a look at this PDF: LS-DYNA The advanced simulation tool for nonlinear, linear, dynamic, static analysis and multi-physics (DEM, FSI, CFD, Electro-magnetics, SPH, Galerkin EFM & More)

LS-DYNA can predict how a prototype will respond to real-world events such as crashes, drops, earthquakes, bird strikes and more. The ability to simulate these events in software minimizes the time and expense that must be devoted to experimental testing.

Applications of LS-DYNA are numerous, from the simulation of automotive collisions to predicting stresses and deformations in metal forming processes to aerospace bird strike or hail damage on composites with meshless methods (SPH or DEM). Although its street creed is in extreme nonlinear, it is also at home running standard linear solutions for stress, normal modes analysis or advanced PSD fatigue analyses. It is truly an analysis code for all seasons and all terrains. Purchasing LS-DYNA can be as simple as start-up personal license or leasing LS-DYNA on a month-to-month basis. We would welcome the opportunity to work with you on buying LS-DYNA or simply taking it for a test drive. Please feel free to contact us to get started on taking advantage of the world's most powerful and inexpensive complete analysis code

Unlimited ANSYS® LS-DYNA versions available for all common platforms

DYNAstart Professional - Start-up License Offer


  • 1 license LS-DYNA for 1-year lease (unlimited functionality, no limitations), SMP- or MPP-version
  • Full technical support by phone or email for 12 months
  • New software releases included during lease period
  • Includes LS-PrePost and LS-OPT
  • Only available to new customers

Ansys Channel Partner

Nonlinear & Transient Dynamic Analysis Consultants


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More info on LS-DYNA

LS-DY­NA is op­ti­mized for shared and dis­trib­uted mem­o­ry Unix, Lin­ux, and Win­dows based, plat­forms, and it is ful­ly QA'd by ANSYS-LST. The code's ori­gins lie in high­ly non­lin­ear, tran­sient dy­nam­ic fi­nite el­e­ment analy­sis us­ing ex­plic­it time in­te­gra­tion.

"Non­lin­ear" means at least one (and some­times all) of the fol­low­ing com­pli­ca­tions:

  • Chang­ing bound­ary con­di­tions (such as con­tact be­tween parts that changes over time)
  • Large de­for­ma­tions (for ex­am­ple the crum­pling of sheet met­al parts)
  • Non­lin­ear ma­te­ri­als that do not ex­hib­it ide­al­ly elas­tic be­hav­ior (for ex­am­ple ther­mo­plas­tic poly­mers)

"Tran­sient dy­nam­ic" means an­a­lyz­ing high speed, short du­ra­tion events where in­er­tial forces are im­por­tant. Typ­i­cal us­es in­clude:

  • Au­to­mo­tive crash (de­for­ma­tion of chas­sis, airbag in­fla­tion, seat­belt ten­sion­ing)
  • Ex­plo­sions (un­der­wa­ter Naval mine, shaped charges)
  • Man­u­fac­tur­ing (sheet met­al stamp­ing)

LS-DY­NA's po­ten­tial ap­pli­ca­tions are nu­mer­ous and can be tai­lored to many fields. In a giv­en sim­u­la­tion, any of LS-DY­NA's many fea­tures can be com­bined to mod­el a wide range of phys­i­cal events. An ex­am­ple of a sim­u­la­tion, which in­volves a unique com­bi­na­tion of fea­tures, is the NASA JPL Mars Pathfind­er land­ing sim­u­la­tion which sim­u­lat­ed the space probe's use of airbags to aid in its land­ing. LS-DY­NA is one of the most flex­i­ble fi­nite el­e­ment analy­sis soft­ware pack­ages avail­able

Are you ready to learn more about LS-DYNA?


LS-DYNA consists of a single executable file and is entirely command line driven. Therefore all that is required to run LS-DYNA is a command shell, the executable, an input file, and enough free disk space to run the calculation. All input files are in simple ASCII format and thus can be prepared using any text editor. Input files can also be prepared with the instant aid of a graphical preprocessor.

There are many third party software products available for preprocessing LS-DYNA input files. ANSYS LSTC also develops its own preprocessor, LS-PrePost, which is freely distributed and runs without a license. Licensees of LS-DYNA automatically have access to all of the program's capabilities, from simple linear static mechanical analysis up to advanced thermal and flow solving methods. Furthermore, they have full use of LS-OPT, a standalone design optimization and probabilistic analysis package with an interface to LS-DYNA.

A presentation made by Predictive Engineering on the ease of use of Femap and LS-DYNA
A presentation made by Predictive Engineering on the ease of use of Femap and LS-DYNA

LS-DY­NA's analy­sis ca­pa­bil­i­ties in­clude:

  • Full 2D & 3D ca­pa­bil­i­ties
  • Non­lin­ear dy­nam­ics
  • Rigid body dy­nam­ics
  • Qua­si-sta­t­ic sim­u­la­tions
  • Nor­mal modes
  • Lin­ear sta­t­ics
  • Ther­mal analy­sis
  • Flu­id analy­sis
    • Euler­ian ca­pa­bil­i­ties
    • ALE (Ar­bi­trary La­grangian-Euler­ian)
    • FSI (Flu­id-Struc­ture In­ter­ac­tion)
    • Navier-Stokes flu­ids
    • Com­press­ible flu­id solver, CESE (Con­ser­va­tion El­e­ment & So­lu­tion El­e­ment)
  • FEM-rigid mul­ti-body dy­nam­ics cou­pling (MADY­MO, Cal3D)
  • Un­der­wa­ter shock
  • Fail­ure analy­sis
  • Crack prop­a­ga­tion
  • Re­al-time acoustics
  • Im­plic­it spring­back
  • Mul­ti-physics cou­pling
  • Struc­tur­al-ther­mal cou­pling
  • Adap­tive remesh­ing
  • SPH (Smoothed Par­ti­cle Hy­dro­dy­nam­ics)
  • EFG (El­e­ment Free Galerkin)
  • Ra­di­a­tion trans­port
  • EM (Elec­tro­mag­net­ism)
Material Library

LS-DY­NA's ma­te­r­i­al li­brary in­cludes:

  • Met­als
  • Plas­tics
  • Glass
  • Foams
  • Fab­rics
  • Elas­tomers
  • Hon­ey­combs
  • Con­crete & soils
  • Vis­cous flu­ids
  • User-de­fined ma­te­ri­als



Contact Algorithms

LS-DY­NA's con­tact al­go­rithms in­clude:

  • Flex­i­ble body con­tact
  • Flex­i­ble body to rigid body con­tact
  • Rigid body to rigid body con­tact
  • Edge-to-edge con­tact
  • Erod­ing con­tact
  • Tied sur­faces
  • CAD sur­faces
  • Rigid walls
  • Draw beads
Element Library

LS-DY­NA's el­e­ment li­brary in­cludes:

  • Beams (stan­dard, truss­es, dis­crete, ca­bles, and welds) (with over 10 beam el­e­ment for­mu­la­tions)
  • Dis­crete El­e­ments (springs and dampers)
  • Lumped in­er­tias
  • Lumped mass­es
  • Ac­celerom­e­ters
  • Sen­sors
  • Seat­belts
    • Pre­ten­sion­ers
    • Re­trac­tors
    • Sliprings
  • Shells (3, 4, 6, and 8-node in­clud­ing 3D shells, mem­branes, 2D plane stress, plane strain, and ax­isym­met­ric solids) (with over 25 shell el­e­ment for­mu­la­tions)
  • Solids (4 and 10-node tetra­he­drons, 6-node pen­ta­he­drons, and 8-node hexa­he­drons) (with over 20 sol­id el­e­ment for­mu­la­tions)
  • SPH El­e­ments
  • Thick Shells (8-node)
Other Applications

  • Drop testing
  • Can and shipping container design
  • Electronic component design
  • Glass forming
  • Plastics, mold and blow forming
  • Biomedical (heart valves)

Supported Platforms

LS-DYNA is well optimized on all platforms including multiprocessor platforms (see table below). Its accuracy has been proven through extensive correlation with experimental data and, of course, analytical solutions. LS-DYNA is an invaluable tool for capturing extreme nonlinear events where other solvers have failed.


LS-DYNA runs on leading PCs, Unix workstations, supercomputers and MPP (massive parallel processing) machines.

Computer resource requirements vary depending on problem size. Simulations with more than 100,000 elements have been run using 15 million words of memory and 100 Mbytes of disk space. On super-computers, the code is highly vectorized and takes advantage of multiple processors.

See LS-DYNA benchmarking results

We also provide LS-DYNA consulting services. Please feel free to Contact us to discuss your project requiring nonlinear finite element analysis or multiplysics coupling between fluids, heat or magnetism

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